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Join the next big thing

What we do

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By joining our "Palace", we are committed to helping clients achieve their full potential by providing exceptional consulting services. Palacio prides itself on working with individuals and businesses who share our passion for innovation and elegance. While working with experienced professionals, you can be assured that you will receive the most prompt and upscale treatment to help you reach your goals.



Our CEO has spent years cultivating a network of connections throughout the DFW area- making Palacio Oviedo the perfect choice for all your networking needs. We are dedicated to making sure our clients are connected with the right people and communities so that their goals and interests are aligned. From attending events to curating connections, we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of long lasting relationships.



This brand strives to generate strategies through our personal experience and education. Our commitment to education is reflected in our services, as we provide a wide range of resources and sources to help our clients achieve their goals. As lifelong learners ourselves, we understand the importance of staying current with new concepts and ideas to better educate our community.

Our Story

From small beginnings...

Most commonly translated as "Palace," Palacio was born with the duty to house elite interactions. Palacio Oviedo serves at the pleasure of individuals and corporations from all specialities. This palace of ideas and relations is meant to elevate a diverse range of communities, there is no concept or idea that would be deemed too small for us to learn from. By joining this palace, you would satisfy the need to elevate their personal and/or business endeavors. 

Pink Walls

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